Venus de Milo
For everyone in the world, Venus de Milo mysteries lies in the missing arms but actually it is more than that. This Greecian statue who is always depicts as the goddess of love and beauty, dressed half-naked would been called Aphrodite. However, the Roman Venus de Milo caught on.
It is found in pieces of a ruin ancient city on the island of Milos or formerly known as Melos, where it got the name. The sculpture of this statue is believed to be Alexandros and carved between 130 and 100 BCE. Some suggested that this is not Aphrodite or Venus. It might be Amphitrite, the sea goddess which was adored at Milos. Or maybe it is Victory or it could be a prostitute. With her arms missing, it is a continous debate throughout the time.
It is also a gift to King of France, Louis XVIII, because Kentrotas asked a French naval officer helped him to unearth it. Venus de Milo was promoted for being more greater than Venus de' Medici at her Louvre debut. In 1939, Venus de Milo and some other priceless such as Winged Victory of Samothrace and Slaves by Michelangelo were hidden for safekeeping at variouschatteaux in French countryside. Venus actually missing more than her arms. She was worn with jewellery such as bracelet, earreings and headband at first. The holes of jewelleris can be seen and gove clues to the missing accesssories.
The statue has also lost the color as it is polychromy like other statue. But, the trace of the original paint could not be detected today. It stand at 2.03 meter. Venus could also be a copy of Aphrodite of Capua, which is from Roman era. The missing arm has been a debate for others until today to imagine what she was holding, what is the posture and many more.

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